Monday, February 1, 2010

Groundhog Day! THE PROPOSAL OFFER...


Find below my offer to those stationed overseas if YOU want to propose to your love next year!

The Pitt women take on UConn, more below.


As unlikely as it sounds, Groundhog Day is here again! The event is early tomorrow morning, an all night affair that ends when Punxsutawney Phil is pulled out of his tree stump around 0720 hours, and looks for his shadow!

This year the actual day is beyond my posting day, so I am using a few photos from last year. The images below, and "The Proposal" above, you did not see last year, the opening Groundhog image you did. This is one of those of events that you should see in person at least once. It is iconic and one of the landmark visual memories most Americans have of Western Pennsylvania, especially so since the movie, "Groundhog Day", was released back in 1993! It was required viewing by my kids until they went off on their own.

When you are there you will see people from all over the world attending the event. One of the things that they do is bring out-of-county visitors up on stage to be formally introduced to the crowd; the crowd last year was 10,000 strong! Every year a few men propose marriage to their girlfriend right on stage in front of the crowd and media cameras! It was a long night though; it was on the same night our Steelers won the Super Bowl, then you had to leave for the all-nighter in Punxsutawney! The Super Bowl parties, all the food, and the excitement of the Super Bowl made it quite the challenge to make the 150 mile round trip drive, and stay up all night standing in the blistering, cold winter darkness!

Anyone stationed overseas that would like to propose to your Love at this event next year, please leave me a comment on this weeks page; see the bottom of this page for the comment box. If so, I will take you there and shoot the photos for you!


Sports Update:

Last Weekend, the Pitt Panthers played UConn at the Petersen Event Center. It was Girl Scout night and the big girls put on a show on the floor! UConn is ranked #1, something Pitt lost earlier in the season. They are an awesome team!

The score you ask? I do not recall! :-)


ALL NET, the shooter is still posing.

This young lady/Little Pitt Panther is putting on a show! Look for her in a few years, in a Pitt uniform!



Keep your head down,

Henry Hill, Plum Pennsylvania

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