Friday, January 1, 2010


A family that jumps in together, stays together! This is one family doing the Polar Bear!


On the morning of this first day of 2010, Pittsburghers started the year with a leap of faith! This is the annual Polar Bear Swim in the Monongahela River that brings out those who dare to dare, and want a fresh start, a do-over if you will, in their lives. Folks from all walks of life, all ages, and various expectations arrived early to leap into the frigid January waters. This posing is about this event, so I will let the photos tell the story.

REMEMBER, this water goes straight down and deep. They are jumping from the wharf, which is where barges dock, so it has to be maintained deep. You jump into winter water and disappear!


They're Off, the fist wave of New Year daredevils attack their fears!

After the reality sets in, they all seem to say, "Help Me get out!"

This group of Marine Iraq Vets who just returned from over there, told me that while in the blistering 120 degree heat OVER there, they talked about doing this Polar Bear jump when they returned home. Here they are, Loud & Proud, Your United States Marines!

This is Christine only seconds after I pulled her out of her chilled dip in the river. Her face will tell you more.

These young folks wanted to show their support for YOU, over there!

This is Frank Nelson, a 45 year vet of this event, and the caretaker of not only the Pittsburgh Polar Bear Club, but the energy to keep the tradition going!

Keep your head down,

Henry Hill, Plum Pennsylvania

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