Monday, April 13, 2009

THE 'BOYS OF SUMMER' ARE BACK! Pittsburgh Tea Party...

(Click images to enlarge)

Monday was the opening day home game for the Pittsburgh Pirates. It was a grand day for the return of ‘The Boys of Summer’ who played on the field, and also occupied the stands! It was a day where the ‘Old Man’ taught the ‘Boy’ the unspoken rules of being a gentleman; how to approach another gentleman, how to celebrate victory and defeat, and how as in life it is not about the score, but about how you play.

Tailgate Party

Late throw...



The 'Wave'




The ripples in the Allegheny River spread out in all directions equally; the teabags continued to hit the water one by one. Protesters not unlike those on December 16, 1773 in Boston Harbor, demonstrated their ire for an unwanted tax without recourse—the tea tax in 1773, and the 2009 backdoor taxation of the bailout of failed banks and other select corporations. This time it was about Government spending, according to Dr. Alan Keyes, who was the keynote speaker. The Pittsburgh Tea Party on April 11, 2009, was the first such event to attract Dr. Keyes to speak.

Young protester

Dr. Alan Keyes passionately voicing his opinion!


Keep your head down,

Henry Hill, Plum Pennsylvania

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